Jacqueline Hackett

Jacqueline Hackett is the Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy – a component of the Executive Office of the President. In this role, she coordinates the development of the President’s National Drug Control Strategy and the Agency’s overall mission and strategic priorities. Previously, Jacqueline served as the Senior Advisor for Public Health where she focused on state-based health policy and the efforts of stakeholders and grassroots organizers to improve health quality, access, and equity. Jacqueline has represented the United States to the World Health Organization and Organization of American States on multiple issues of substance use policy and health. Before joining the White House in 2011, she worked at the Department of Health and Human Services – Administration for Children and Families, and has consulted with various higher education access and youth health organizations with a focus on communications, advocacy, and empowerment.
Professor Hackett has more than 20 years experience in youth health and safety where she works with peer-to-peer programs and on public health education campaigns. She was a Presidential Fellow at George Washington from 2008 through 2010, and current serves as a Bloomberg American Health Initiative Fellow at Johns Hopkins University.
Jacqueline is particularly interested in the implementation of promising policy related to substance use and addiction at the state level, effective community advocacy, and the representation of people with lived experience in policymaking.
HSSJ 1100 Introduction to Human Services
Hackett, J. (2020 February). Efforts to Reduce Domestic Drug Demand and Address Addiction as part of seminar on Global Drug Flows. Presented at Inter-American Defense Board to commissioned delegates from 28 member nations, Washington DC.
Hackett, J. (2014, 2015 December). Ongoing drug policy issues and road safety in the USA. Presented at United Nations World Health Organization Technical Consultation on Drug use and Road Safety, Geneva Switzerland and Majorca, Spain. Currently in review for publication.
Hackett, J. (2015-2020 April). Various workshops selected for educational presentation on addiction, promising policy projects, and program evaluation. Presented at the Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Atlanta GA.
Peden, M [et al, including Hackett, J.] (2016). "Drug Use and Road Safety: A Policy Brief." World Health Organization. Web.
Hackett, J. (2014, 2015 December). Ongoing drug policy issues and road safety in the USA. Presented at United Nations World Health Organization Technical Consultation on Drug use and Road Safety, Geneva, Switzerland and Majorca, Spain. Published 2016.
Hackett, J. (2005-2020 February). Various workshops selected for presentation for youth and adult audiences on community change, evidence-based practices, and youth engagement. Presented at the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of American Conference, Washington DC.
Kibbe, D., Hackett, J., et al. (2011 January). “Take 10! Integrating Physical Activity with Academic Concepts in Elementary School Classroom” by Debra Kibbe. Preventive Medicine, Summer 2011. Print.
Hackett, J. (2009 August). Texting on the Road: Keeping Teens Safe While Driving. Aired on FOX National News.
Hackett, J. (2006, 2007). Take It Back: Catalyzing Change in Your Community and Take It Back: Brand Book and Community Action Planning Guide. Presented at the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention forum and published through FACE, Inc., Baltimore MD.
Hackett, J. (2006 March) Safe Alternative Spring Break Opportunities for College-Aged Student. Aired on NBC’s The Today Show, New York NY.
Hackett, J. (2006 January). We Don’t Serve Underage: Responsibilities of Adults in Prevention. Presented at Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC.
Hackett, J. (2005). What Works?: Sober Truth on Preventing Underage Drinking. Presented to the Congressional Sub-Committee on Education Reform, Washington DC.
DrPH in Public Health (Health Policy and Management), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Current student.
MPH in Public Health Advocacy and Health Communications, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
MPP in Public-Private Policy and Management, George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy & Public Administration
BA in Human Services and Political Science (Public Policy focused), George Washington University Columbian College of Arts and Sciences.